Facts of Sedation Dentistry in Charleston, SC

by | Jul 10, 2020 | Dental Care

Dentistry studies show that almost 65% of patients experience dental anxiety. These levels of anxiety are even significantly higher in patients who do not attend dental consultations beforehand. Although people do not always admit it, the main reason they do not go to the dentist is because of fear. One way many people counter this fear, however is through sedation dentistry. To learn more about Sedation Dentistry in Charleston, SC continue reading.

The use of Nitrous Oxide sedation provides the patient with a state of relaxation and reduces the manifestations of stress and anxiety. All this affects the professional who is tending to the patient as well, allowing them to work in a more relaxed state, applying a faster and safer treatment. Inhalation sedation is commonly used in many countries, including the United States, Denmark, Australia and France, and has been done so for many years with great success. Due to the high level of safety of these techniques, it is best to choose a reputable dentist specia
lizing in Sedation Dentistry in Charleston, SC.

The fear and anxiety that patients have when they go to the dentist are increased if the patients have mental disabilities. These people require a unique treatment, one that only certain professionals can perform. Asphyxia, tremors, sweating, muscle stiffness, inability to relax and tachycardia are manifestations which tend to present themselves in people with mental issues. Sedation Dentistry in Charleston, SC helps professionals treat such patients effectively.

Conscious Sedation Dentistry in Charleston, SC, otherwise known as inhalation sedation, is a technique in which the patient breathes a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, something that will quickly produce a pleasant and relaxing feeling. The purpose of the application is not the total elimination of pain because a local anesthetic is usually still required.

With Nitrous Oxide, the dentist can control the fear and anxiety of the patient, who remains conscious all the time. Nitrous oxide is a non-flammable, non-toxic gas, anesthetic, colorless, odor and has a lightly sweetened flavor. It is also known as laughing gas and the sole purpose is to provide a state of relaxation and satisfaction to old and young alike seeking dental care.